
Why start a blog in 2020?


Why start a blog in 2020?

Table of Contents

From an early age I was inspired by Lewis Carroll and the concept of imagining impossible things. Besides for my own entertainment, I would imagine absurd ideas for the purpose of pushing my creativity and challenging myself.

So why start a blog?

Primarily, I am interested in self-development and wish to share this passion with others.

As an obsessively passionate person, I have an abundance of interests. For this reason, I have taken on a challenge in 2020 to gain new skills and further develop some that I have obtained at university and through work experiences. Given the opportunity of being unemployed during the current global climate and the particular situation of a pandemic, I figured there was no better time to start a learning journey and share it with perfect strangers and the occasional friends that will inevitably see this... (・_・)ノ

Since I am no exceptional literary talent, writing about my learning journey will be like hitting two birds with one stone. I took a number of online courses over the past year and I will write about them, reflect on broader topics and share with you materials that in my opinion have made the most significant impact on my self-development.

Warning! The content of this blog will include countless references to development, self-development, growth, learning, sustainability and the occasional attempt at satire.

As I am gracefully stumbling my way into the start of ‘adulthood’ (this terminology is purely legal because I would still very much consider myself a child at 24 - with perfectly good reason), I find I have a lot to learn and much of myself left to define.

Although I was always passionate about learning, I only realised after speeding through my formal education that I forgot to evolve beyond my academics. At the age of 22, I held an LLM degree in International Law from one of the top Law Schools in Europe and had ticked almost everything off my 5 year plan I set myself in high school. Yet, I found myself underwhelmed and unprepared for the next chapter. My dissatisfaction had less to do with my accomplishments and more to do with my uncertainty of what to do next. I found that continuous learning brought me joy and fulfillment and I also found a number of people that felt the same way. Therefore, starting a blog is my attempt to bring together interested people to exchange ideas and resources and create a supportive digital and global community designed to grow together.

I will write about interesting topics and reflect on developments in education, sustainable development, technology and design. I will also use this opportunity to practice my design skills through the illustrations and basic UI/UX needed to run a responsive website. Luckily, I have a secret weapon - my very own full-stack developer in the making - Tino. He is my flatmate and partner in crime. Although he will not be writing as much, you can see his hard work by opening the developer tools - or simply typing CRT+SHIFT+I on a PC. Together we will work to reflect on our experiences, share best practices, lessons learned and various ‘hacks’ we come across. We will allow for this blog to evolve naturally and I invite all readers to send us feedback, recommendations and interact with the material on our social media accounts (links available below).